Crosstagging is when you use SFW age regression related tags like #agere or #agereg as well as NSFW k!nk related tags like #ABDL or #ageplay.
In case you don’t understand why that’s bad, age regression is a completely safe and appropriate mental defense mechanism in which one’s mind regresses to that of a younger age. While someone is regressed, they’re genuinely not processing things the same way, but rather as though they’re younger. Meanwhile, age play/ ABDL/ whatever-you-want-to-call-it is a fêtish in which one roleplays as a child, toddler, or even baby.
While someone is regressed, their ability to consent to adult things like sëx is greatly hindered- it’s not just play pretend, it’s a genuine mental regression. Why would you want to mix people who are mentally processing things in a much younger headspace with a fètish community?
Not to mention, a lot of age regressors are minors. Why would you want to mix minors with k!nk?
The concept of age play as a k!nk very heavily relies on the sëxualization of children. Why would you want that around people who are mentally processing things at the rate of a child?
It doesn’t matter if your content could “technically make sense to either community,” it’s still gross and unsafe to crosstag.
If you’d like to learn more about age regression, click the button below.

💚 SFW terms! 💚💚 AgeRe/ AgeReg - a shortened version of "age regression".💚 Age dreaming/ agedre  - a state of half regression; being only partially or not fully into the headspace but part of the way there💚 Involuntary regression - when someone regresses without wanting or meaning to, often due to the circumstances around them triggering a defense reflex (this is usually a sad or unhappy regression, or an impure regression)💚 Impure regression - when the regressed period is unhappy; for example, crying and having a tantrum while regressed, although I hate that it's called "impure" because it's still safe regression, it's just the sad part of the coping tool!💚 Flip - one who regresses as well as acts as a caregiver/ babysitter to a regressor (the SFW version of the term "switch")💚 CGLre - a strictly age regression version of the term CGL used to describe regressors who prefer having a caregiver (though not everyone is comfortable this term because it's similar to the kink term!)💚 DXLG/ DXLB/ MXLG/ MXLB - age regression alternatives to kink terms such as DDLG and DDLB and the variants, although i feel the need to state that not every regressor agrees on how sfw it is since a lot of people in the nsfw communities try to steal/ creep on these terms!💚 littlexspace - little space but strictly regression!💚 ARDL - age regression/ diaper lover (though not everyone is comfortable this term because it's similar to the kink term!)❌ Kink terms ❌❌ ABDL - adult baby/ diaper lover❌ TBDL - teen baby/ diaper lover (i shouldn't have to begin to explain why this term is a problem)❌ CGL - caregiver/ little❌ Age play - the kink of roleplaying as another age, often younger and associated with ABDL and CGL❌ DDLG/ DDLB/ MDLG/ MDLB - daddy dom/ little girl, daddy dom/ little boy, mommy dom/ little girl, mommy dom/ little boy- more specific terms that fall under the CGL umbrella💛 Gray Area 💛the term "little" or "little space" is often used by both communities and is therefore very uncomfortable for some regressors!